Metamorphosis: Full Collection⤣ SERIES
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Metamorphosis: Full Collection

2020 - 2024
Studies of movement, colour and iridescence

This is part of a larger artwork. See the full artwork series:

Metamorphosis exemplifies the process of transformation that sits at the heart of Dominic Harris’ work, forging a new symbiosis between the natural and human worlds. Launched in 2020, each butterfly has been painstakingly created with layers of digital paint, hand-painted on a tablet with manual brushstrokes, building up colour and texture to achieve the iridescence and transparency that brings them to life. No longer a creature we are forbidden to touch, the work allows users to interact with the butterflies to fully experience their beauty.

The Collection



No further details.



2020 - 2024



Code, electronics, touch display, sensors, aluminium


Dimensions in MM:

757 (W) x 757 (H) x 104 (D) mm, framed

Dimensions in INCHES:

29.8 (W) x 29.8 (H) x 4.1 (D) inches, framed


Metamorphosis is also an exploration of colour, both our scientific understanding of its primary and secondary states, and the emotive force of colour in art and nature. Indeed, the ‘metamorphosis’ takes place in the transformation of the viewers’ emotional state, as the rich colours of Harris’ butterflies shift and evolve across the screen.

Harris has expanded his Metamorphosis series by re-challenging the power of his butterfly motif and the power of its symbolism by connecting the butterflies to unexpected finishes, as seen in the 'Precious Metals' and 'Five Elements' artworks.

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